#Rural areas

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Cornell Chronicle
1 week ago
Data science

Students transmit health care data without cell service, internet | Cornell Chronicle

Success in IoT implementation can improve healthcare accessibility in underserved areas. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 week ago

Elder LGBTQ+ Americans could get more help if this new bill passes - LGBTQ Nation

Legislation introduced to enhance resources for older LGBTQ+ Americans in rural areas. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 weeks ago

Supporting rural startup ecosystems: Academic Minute

Exploring entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities in rural areas. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Will the Solar Eclipse Affect Cell Service?

State officials warn of potential cell phone outages during the total solar eclipse due to network overload.
Rural areas are particularly vulnerable to disruptions during events like the eclipse due to limited network capacity for sudden influxes of tourists. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Government's rural 4G programme behind schedule, report warns

Government's 4G rural connectivity extension behind schedule
Shared Rural Network faces challenges in meeting coverage targets and costs [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

Mapped: States with the biggest share of adults with medical debt

About 1 in 12 U.S. adults have unpaid medical bills of at least $250
People in the South and rural areas report the greatest burden of medical debt. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

California will mandate electric school buses. But rural districts say they don't work

California is requiring all newly purchased or leased school buses to be zero-emission by 2035, but rural schools say the current electric bus technology is not practical for their routes and terrain.
School districts in California are concerned about the range and reliability of electric buses in rural areas with limited charging infrastructure. [ more ]
#rural areas
5 months ago
France politics

France passes law to protect farmers against 'abusive' lawsuits from former city dwellers

French parliament passes law to protect farmers from complaints about noise or stench from agricultural activities.
The law aims to stop 'abusive' lawsuits from former city dwellers who bought houses in the countryside. [ more ]
6 months ago

Opinion | Teachers Unions Spend Big on GOP State Lawmakers

Ten Republican-led states have passed universal school choice since 2021
Republican lawmakers who are teachers-union allies may need to be defeated in primary elections for school choice to pass
Opponents of school choice argue that rural areas have few private options, but universal school choice would create new private options and improve public education through competition. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

The unique landscape of Bitcoin Prairie: A comprehensive guide

Bitcoin Prairie refers to rural areas becoming hubs for Bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency activities.
Bitcoin Prairie challenges conventional notions of where and how cryptocurrency thrives.
It highlights the decentralized nature of technology and offers a unique perspective on the intersection of technology, rural economies, and the environment. [ more ]
morerural areas
6 months ago

Why COVID Vaccines for Young Children Have Been Hard to Get

Limited access to pediatric COVID vaccines in rural areas is causing difficulties for parents trying to vaccinate their children.
Young children without access to vaccines are at higher risk for COVID complications and hospital admissions.
Challenges with the transition from government-supplied vaccines to commercial market purchases are contributing to the problem. [ more ]
6 months ago

Why COVID Vaccines for Young Children Have Been Hard to Get

Limited access to pediatric COVID vaccines in rural areas is causing difficulties for parents trying to vaccinate their children.
Young children without access to vaccines are at higher risk for COVID complications and hospital admissions.
Challenges with the transition from government-supplied vaccines to commercial market purchases are contributing to the problem. [ more ]
6 months ago

Why COVID Vaccines for Young Children Have Been Hard to Get

Limited access to pediatric COVID vaccines in rural areas is causing difficulties for parents trying to vaccinate their children.
Young children without access to vaccines are at higher risk for COVID complications and hospital admissions.
Challenges with the transition from government-supplied vaccines to commercial market purchases are contributing to the problem. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Latinos have the least smartphone access in states with big rural areas

Latinos in states with large rural areas have the highest percentage of households without smartphones.
Smartphones are essential for obtaining information, emergency services, and economic stability.
New Mexico and Arkansas have the highest percentage of Latinos without internet access. [ more ]
@LeftySlayer608 @benj4peace @ShuForCongress Hope PBS is sufficient
Here's CNN
1 year ago

Texas woman almost dies because she couldn't get an abortion

Another woman has come forward with the harrowing details of how the Supreme Court's decision four months ago to overturn Roe v. Wade put her life in danger.CNN has told the stories of several women  including one from Houston, one from central Texas and one from Cleveland  and what they had to do to obtain medically necessary abortions.
1 year ago

Texas woman almost dies because she couldn't get an abortion

Another woman has come forward with the harrowing details of how the Supreme Court's decision four months ago to overturn Roe v. Wade put her life in danger.CNN has told the stories of several women  including one from Houston, one from central Texas and one from Cleveland  and what they had to do to obtain medically necessary abortions.
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